Friday, July 18, 2008

You are what you eat...

I wish I had my camera at work. I would definitely have to snap a picture of the garbage can under my desk. Our garbage is emptied on Tuesday and Friday nights. This week, you can tell the kind of week it's been by looking at what is in my garbage! Lots of candy wrappers - mini candy bars, tootsie rolls, caramels, banana laffy taffy, etc. Yikes. I do spot one apple core down at the very bottom...


Anonymous said...

Ewwww...that apple core must stink! FYI: you look like you've never eaten a piece of chocolate in your life, so no worries!!

Lana said...

I've heard that chocolate is very good for the mind....and keeping one's sanity! LOL. :)

Nikki said...

A little candy is fine... especially chocolate! And like Mandy said, you look great! If eating it helps your sanity, then by all means eat more! :)

Nikki said...

I have a lot of banana laffy taffy from Carter's pinata for you. ;)