Monday, March 23, 2009

Candy Corn!!

I found it!! I have been seaching for weeks, high and low, making special stops at different stores, and I have finally found my Easter pastel candy corn!! Who-hoo!! The big question now is whether it is a fresh bag or leftover from last year. I bought the bag tonight when I ran to the store up the street. I never go to Buehler's Buy Low, but I was out of something I needed to make brownies, so I thought I would run in and grab it. The Buy Low is questionable. It's one of those stores where you have to check the expiration date before buying any dairy products and where I would never buy meat. But, if you are out of a dry good item, it is a quick stop.

So, I bought the candy. I haven't opened it yet, so only time will tell. If no one else is carrying the candy for the Easter season, it really makes me wonder. I can only hope it will be as good as I am imagining...


Nikki said...

Yay! I hope it is a fresh bag! :)

Anonymous said...